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What is Plan 24-30?

Plan 24-30 is Scotland’s route map to #KeepThePromise by 2030. It has a static destination— to #KeepThePromise by 2030. However, as Scotland makes progress, its contents will evolve.

Read more about the work to create Plan 24-30 in ‘Reflect, Refocus, Reset – Plan 24-30.’

What is Plan 24-30?

Plan 24-30 organises and groups all calls to action from the Independent Care Review under the five foundations of the promise: voice, family, care, people, scaffolding. The work programmes of many organisations will fit into more than one of the foundations.

All actions within the foundations are tagged with icons representing the relevant sectors who need to act. This is to make it as straightforward as possible for organisations to identify the work they need to do and to embed it in their plans.

This is a markedly different approach to planning and implementation.

Plan 24-30:

  • Builds on what has come before

    Plan 24-30 is an evolution of Plan 21-24. It details who needs to do what, by when to make sure the promise made to children, young people, families and care experienced adults in February 2020 is kept in full by 2030.
  • Is devised together

    The development of Plan 24-30 has been done in consultation with stakeholders including the care community. Plan 24-30 will continue to be shaped in response to feedback and input from everyone involved.
  • Keeps everyone on track

    Plan 24-30 is mapped to key policy areas such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC). By being accessible and open about what’s needed, everyone can understand that working together and pulling in the same direction over the years to come will #KeepThePromise.
  • Belongs to everyone involved

    Plan 24-30 has been developed in an open and collaborative way with everyone who has a stake in the promise, including consulting with and listening to the care community. Plan 24-30 belongs to everyone, and everyone’s work is reflected in it.
  • Is live and constantly updated

    Plan 24-30 is live and dynamic. As the route map progresses and becomes clearer, Plan 24-30 will be updated so that it keeps track of progress and what still needs to happen – and it is clear to everyone involved in work to #KeepThePromise, and to the public, where they are and where they need to be.


Plan 24-30 was designed to be of use from its launch in June 2024 - and to evolve to continue to be of use right through until 2030.

For this to happen, organisations using Plan 24-30 as a route map need to give feedback on whether it is meeting their needs and contribute content for it to continue to evolve.

Please make use of it in ways that make most sense to you and/or your organisation and give feedback to: