Where is Scotland in 2024?
Scotland has made significant strides in its legislative efforts concerning child protection, care and support, and alignment with the promise because of enhanced collaboration among public, private and voluntary sector organisations. The incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scottish law through the 2024 Act marks a pivotal advancement towards embedding child rights in the legal framework. This legislative move underscores Scotland's commitment to promoting children's rights and welfare comprehensively, ensuring international standards are enshrined in domestic law.
Additionally, the Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) Act of 2021 seeks to address some of the past injustices related to historical child abuse, although its direct impact on current legislative coherence within the 'care system' may be limited. The Children (Scotland) Act 2020 includes provisions linked to increased participation and engagement in decision-making, the regulation of centres that support family relationships and duties around brothers and sisters. Some parts of the Act are still to be commenced, and others require additional support in order to fully implement.
The CCJ Act 2024 closely aligns with the promise, amending Scots law to broaden the accessibility of the Children’s Hearings System to older children and stop children entering Young Offenders Institutions. The proposed Scottish Human Rights Bill intends to address lifelong inequalities faced by care experienced people, reflecting Scotland's commitment to aligning legislative frameworks with the principles of the promise.
Challenges such as gaps in data collection on early deaths within the 'care system' and uncertainties surrounding the National Care Service highlight areas where legislative coherence must be strengthened.
Scotland's legislative landscape continues to evolve in support of child protection, care and support, with ongoing efforts to ensure legal frameworks uphold the rights and wellbeing of all children under its jurisdiction. The key challenge will be ensuring full, aligned implementation of these pieces of legislation.