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Plan 24-30 is live, what next?


Blog by Fiona Duncan Independent Strategic Advisor - the promise.


So Plan 24-30 is live, what next?

Plan 24-30 was designed as a website to track Scotland’s progress, understand what is getting in the way and enable the collaboration to create effective solutions. The different organisations and sectors responsible for keeping the promise must see their work and role reflected in the Plan, share in its ownership and contribute to its development. Unlike a static publication or strategy document, Plan 24-30 relies on feedback and engagement to ensure its success.

Over the summer, please take the time to review the website and consider its ease of navigation, the content within the Plan, how the Plan will enable you to keep the promise, or what else it needs to help you to do that.

Feedback on the website

Work is already underway to improve the website, and this will continue as more people feedback their views on its applicability and ease of navigation.

  • Accessibility – accessibility is a fundamental part of the promise. The promise was made for all children, young people and care experienced adults, as well as the organisations and sectors involved in supporting them. It is essential that everyone can find the website, understand its content, and act on the information provided, where there is a responsibility for doing so. The Plan 24-30 website was designed with this in mind and will continue to improve to ensure it goes beyond accessibility requirements, please get in touch if you have feedback on this.
  • Navigation – Plan 24-30 offers a new way of planning that is assertive on who must act. The website navigation is important to enable all those who have a role to play to engage with the Plan. To help with this a search function will be added to the website to ensure people can find the relevant parts of Plan 24-30 easily.
  • Printable versions of the plan – There have been a small number of requests for a printable version of the plan. Plan 24-30 exists as a website to enable live and dynamic planning. As set out in an earlier blog the design of Plan 24-30 is a response to calls for a single shared plan that helps the range of sectors and services working to keep the promise to pull in the same direction whilst offering flexibility to respond to the ever changing environment.

Whilst Plan 24-30 cannot be a publication, I recognise the need for tools and resources to enable people and organisations to engage with its content and contribute to its development, and I would love to know what would be helpful. Based on the feedback gathered so far, some resources are being developed to help people navigate the website as well as supporting internal discussions. These will be available to download from next week.

In the meantime, you can request a listening pack to engage with the care community you support by emailing, as well as downloading the What Matters questions cards.

The content and evolution of Plan 24-30

The content of Plan 24-30 will evolve based on the progress and evidence you share. Please take the time to review the current content and let us know if its relevant and useful to you and your organisation. Consider the features, language and information you find helpful and point out the areas that need improvement. Where there are gaps in Plan 24-30, key progress or the conditions enabling change that are not reflected, please take this as a provocation to share your insights and contribute to the Plan’s evolution.

Over the summer, updates will be shared on how the feedback is being used to improve Plan 24-30. This will then be followed by information on how the Plan will be updated and the role you play in contributing to its evolution.

I know you will continue to play your part.
